Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business - SAM UEI: GKZWV4EQD1G2

Meet the team

We are ready to help in any way we can. Here are the easiest ways to contact us! Click or hover on the cards below to learn more information.

Ben Trout

Arkansas, Illinois, Iowa, Southern/Eastern Missouri, and Tennessee

Ben Trout

Contact Info:

Phone Number:

Ben Trout III

Arizona, Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Texas

Ben Trout III

Contact Info:

Phone Number:

Rick Nickelson

Iowa, Western and Central Missouri

Rick Nickelson

Contact Info:

Phone Number:

Jim Johnson

Senior Engineer

Jim Johnson

Contact Info:

Phone Number:

Things to know first

EPM's Computerized Temperature Control System (CTC) is not a canned system.  That is, the CTC system is specifically designed to fit your building(s) and only your building(s). As such, there is a significant amount of engineering required before the end product can be produced. Much consideration must be given to:

  • building type and usage
  • equipment type and usage
  • special case scenarios
  • existing and historical mechanical issues that must be overcome
  • existing and historical comfort and comfort control issues that must be overcome
  • energy usage and identification of wasted energy

This process starts simply enough with an in-depth review of the most recent year's energy usage ... your utility bills, and is compared to the expected energy usage for a building of the type being considered.  Our engineers then meet and discuss these initial findings, and agree on which CTC features are required and what control scenarios will be used to affect a complete system. From these findings, a range of options and savings opportunities are derived and presented to the building owner.  This work, at no cost to the customer, and the resultant presentation of information serves to inform the customer of the system's opportunities, if any, and to put the customer at ease in regards to our capabilities, and our legacy.

Since we assume the cost burden of the work required throughout the entire process, we need to keep the customer completely informed at all times so that any desire to NOT continue can be realized as early as possible. Our CTC system is either financially and/or practically justifiable for your building(s), or it is not. We arrive at these conclusions together. Thus, there is a process designed to be as convenient to the customer as possible, that we travel together.

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